Before and After School Surround Care

We offer surround care, covering both before school and after school hours to meet your family’s specific needs.  This program runs between 7:30am and 5:30pm and is available to our students in 3K and 4K.  Children enrolled in surround care experience free play, art, outdoor learning, and a lot of other fun activities to enhance their learning experience and love for school.  They also have a rest time daily. There is no morning surround care for the afternoon 4K class.

Lunch Bunch

Our Lunch Bunch program provides Congregational Preschool students the opportunity to spend mealtime with their peers, learn social skills, and practice healthy eating habits.  Students enrolled in Lunch Bunch bring their own lunch and beverage from home, and get a little extra play time at school.  Lunch Bunch is offered at 11:15, after morning class and before afternoon class.