Daily Schedule

The daily schedule of each class varies based on the needs of the children and teacher preference.  These are the components of each day.


During arrival time, children get ready for their day at school by hanging up their coats, putting their backpacks underneath their cubbies, checking their daily job and reading the message board. Once the children have completed their arrival tasks they then do quiet activities until all their friends have arrived.

Circle Time

Circle time gives children the opportunity to gather together to sing a song, practice finger play, listen to a story, discuss the weather and update the daily classroom calendar.  Students are given the chance to interact with one another and ask questions about their day. Music and movement and any other special activities or show and tell often happen during circle time as well.

Snack Time

After washing their hands the children sit down together for snack. During this time children talk with one another and the teacher while they practice their table manners and learn about sharing and passing food.

Choice Time

Children are encouraged to independently and collaboratively explore during free play time. Teachers carefully prepare each classroom with developmentally appropriate learning centers, daily projects and activities that support the children’s current interests.

Outside Play

Children spend time outside each day during the school year, weather permitting. The playground has an abundance of large play structures along with a large sand box filled with toys. There are a variety of balls, wagons, trucks and seasonal items, including sleds and shovels and other outdoor toys are also available for kids to play with during this time.